• secretary@oiecinternational.com
  • Roma, Italy
<strong>Press release for the DRC</strong>

Press release for the DRC

The International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC) expresses its deep concern at the recent flooding in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which has caused considerable damage and severely affected local communities.

The incessant heavy rains have caused devastating flooding in several regions of the DRC, endangering the lives, health and well-being of thousands of people.

The OIEC sends its most sincere condolences to all the families who are today mourning the tragic deaths of their loved ones.

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has expressed his solidarity with the victims of the floods in the DRC, calling for collective action to alleviate suffering and restore hope in the affected communities.

OIEC encourages the international community, non-governmental organisations and private sector partners to provide financial and logistical support to scale up the necessary humanitarian aid.

OIEC salutes the emergency services who are working with courage and determination to help the victims.

In communion of prayer with our brothers and sisters in the DRC.


                                                                                               Hervé LECOMTE

               Secretary General of the OIEC

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