Pole of Educative and Cultural Projects


Its Mission :

  • To participate in the mission of the Church by promoting in the world an educational project of Catholic inspiration

  • To promote the creation, in schools and educational institutions, of “educational communities”
    in which all the partners work :

    • in solidarity and responsibility for educational and cultural progress and the development of the Gospel spirit,

    • paying special attention to the most underprivileged

    • and welcoming, with respect for consciences, all those who trust in this school;


To meet commitments to the Global Compact on Education, the pole supports establishments around the world by offering to set up concrete educational and cultural projects:

The « I can » Project

The Project “I CAN!” aims to meet the challenges proposed by the Encyclical LAUDATO SI’ (Pope Francis, 2015) through children and young people. Thanks to their spontaneity and their originality, far from constraints and selfish interests, it is a question of giving them the means to take initiatives and give committed, creative and collaborative responses.

>> Pour en savoir plus…

« Planet Fraternity » Project

Based on the approach of the project “I CAN! », Planet Fraternity highlights relationships of students, teachers around the world and encourages the creativity of these young people through the search for solutions to real problems of which they themselves are aware and which give rise to critical thinking in them. With this project, a community is established where the bonds of collaboration, work and friendship are strengthened between students from all over the world, regardless of their beliefs or religions.

>> Pour en savoir plus…

Religions and Education: towards a Compact on Education

On October 5, 2021, Pope Francis invited the leaders of religions around the world to reflect together on the only dynamism that can change the world in which we live and bring it closer to the most precious ideals that we can all share: fraternity, equality, freedom, a full life, commitment to the poor, social transformation…

In order to highlight the approach of the Holy Father, the OIEC has produced a pedagogical booklet for educational teams, inviting educational communities to work on these simple, profound and decisive ideas resulting from this meeting. Let us work together for this noble and urgent educational alliance!