• secretary@oiecinternational.com
  • Roma, Italy

Global Compact on Education : OIEC’s commitment

Pope Francis has invited us on several occasions, in particular in his convocation on 12 September 2019 and in his relaunch on 15 September 2020, to build the Global Compact on Education (GCE). This proposal is in line with his magisterial teaching, which we find expressed with perseverance and coherence in the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii gaudium, and in the encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Fratelli tutti.

The official GCE website is :

In response to the Pope’s appeal, OIEC has mobilised and committed itself to building this global pact with others at local level. Together with the Education Commission of the UISG-USG, and with the support and coordination of the Congregation for Catholic Education (CEC), OIEC has developed a roadmap with 5 concrete actions, which each institution will be able to contextualise and adapt, while at the same time each of them can also promote other actions that it deems appropriate.

Consult the OIEC Road sheet

ACTION 1: Book “Lights on the way to GCE”

In the summer of 2020, the OIEC is publishing with SM Editors the book “Luces para el camino: Pacto Educativo Global” which presents a collection of ideas from students, parents and Catholic education leaders, including teachers and headmasters, on the challenges they see for Catholic education and the unique contributions of schools. The book will serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement for reflection, dialogue and collaboration in fulfilling the mission of Catholic schools.

To download the book : http://oiecinternational.com/contributions/

ACTION 2: Invitation to use the official GCE logo on documents

The OIEC has invited its members to place the official GCE logo on their official documents, websites, social networks, etc.

Letter of invitation to use the logo
Slideshow presentation: “How to put the logo on documents”.

In addition, at a webinar on 25 February 2021, the OIEC made an official commitment to the GLOBAL EDUCATION PACT.

The video and the letter with the signatures and logos of the members have been sent to Pope Francis.

Letter of commitment to the OIEC GCE

ACTION 3: Building the Education Pact – from local to global. Guidelines and phases.

A short, four-phase guide has been published in five languages to help centres and entities to get to know, understand, analyse, debate, experiment and create the pact based on each local educational reality. It provides guidelines on what to do and with whom, how to work together and with what methodologies. A number of resources are also provided, as well as an invitation to share the most inspiring actions undertaken at local level.

  • Phase 1: Work on the Compact in each educational centre.
  • Phase 2: Build the Compact with the other centres in the town or district.
  • Phase 3: Building the Compact with local communities.
  • Phase 4: Building the Compact at national or international level.

ACTION 4: A manual on building an education pact locally, starting with each education centre and each municipality.

Next step

ACTION 5: Programme and materials for the training and updating of agents and directors of educational establishments.

As Cardinal Tolentino, Prefect of the Dicastery of Culture and Education, points out in the attached letter, more than three years have passed since Pope Francis invited us to work together on a Global Compact on Education. It is an invitation that has been widely received, expressing a great universality. We are all concerned to see how this global covenant is accepted and implemented, and how its construction is encouraged. This is why the OIEC, in collaboration with the UISG/USG, the CPAL and LUMSA University, have prepared this tool to help work on and land the proposal. 

The questionnaire has a threefold objective:

  • Understand how we are progressing in the process of building the pact.
  • Inspire each other to redouble our efforts to make this local and global pact a reality.
  • Gather together some significant initiatives and experiences of how the pact is being invited and built from different institutions and contexts, uniting wills and listening to everyone.
So I invite you, we invite you, to answer the following questionnaire, which you will find at the following link:


  • The questionnaire is in 5 languages: Spanish. English, French, Italian and Portuguese.

Other materials:

“How does Francisco see education?”
– a study by P. Luiz F. Klein, S.J.

Download the document in : 

For any questions, information or help concerning the project, please contact:

Frère Juan Antonio Ojeda Ortiz, OIEC project manager: ja.ojeda@lasallecampus.es