• secretary@oiecinternational.com
  • Roma, Italy

Pole of the Representation

Pole of the Representation

As an expert on issues relating to education, the OIEC intervenes in various international institutions. Being present with these bodies allows us to better carry the voice of Catholic Education in the key bodies that can influence the course of laws and public policies.

Thus, the OIEC can make the voice of the millions of families who have chosen Catholic Education heard, and thus bear witness to Catholic sensitivity where world educational thought is being constructed. With this perspective, the representation of the OIEC in international bodies allows the members of the OIEC to become aware of their global responsibility.

OIEC is represented in international institutions in Paris, Geneva, Strasbourg and New York by its transversal representation team (ETR), coordinated by Michel Bertet.



By convention, it is OIDEL, twin sister of the OIEC, which currently represents OIEC in Geneva. It focuses on the legal defence of the right to education and publishes studies on the state of private education around the world.
The representation team monitors and prepares the UPR program (Universal Periodic Review), in conjunction with a platform of Christian NGOs, the CCIG.
They also closely follow the work of the Human Rights Council and the Special Rapporteur for Education. They are at the origin of oral or written declarations and associate the signature of the OIEC with the manifestos of other NGOs.

UNESCO in Paris

OIEC representatives participate in UNESCO’s programmes and the activities of the NGO General Conference. Roseline Moreau of ETR is a member of the Board of Directors of CCIC, a Christian-inspired NGO platform.

UN in New York

OIEC is also closely monitoring the work of the UN in New York.


The representatives of OIEC contribute to the work of the NGOs of the Council of Europe. They are in the CINGO platform, a Christian-inspired NGO platform and have excellent relations with the observer of the Holy See.

In order to follow the activity of this representation team, and to understand how the interests and needs of Catholic schools are represented, a newsletter is published regularly. You will now find it in the OIEC Newsletter.

Representing OIEC

in international bodies

In order to better understand the workings of the various international bodies, the OIEC has drawn up a summary document presenting each of them and setting out the guidelines of the OIEC Secretary General.

Download this booklet in English, French and Spanish.

OIEC’s Work


The International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC) actively collaborates with UNESCO to promote inclusive and quality education for all. Through joint programs and global initiatives, this cooperation aims to integrate ethical and spiritual values into educational systems worldwide. This booklet details the projects, impacts, and shared visions of the OIEC and UNESCO, illustrating their joint commitment to global educational development.

Download this booklet soon