Building the Global Compact from the Territory Up
The experience of the Norte de Santander region – Colombia
This book inspires and guides us to transform education and, through it, to build together a new society that is more human, more fraternal, more united and more sustainable. The experience of the Norte de Santander region (Colombia) will encourage Catholic schools to take the initiative in calling together and promoting this local and global alliance. The manual will be of great help to them in mobilising the various social sectors in favour of a new and better education.
Both urge us to be open, to collaborate with others and to show that it is possible to change lives and contexts through education.
Download the book : spanish
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French – English –Spanish – Portuguese – Italian

Towards a Global Compact on Education … in the city, in the region…
– Road book –
The result of a collective effort, this road book “Towards a Global Compact on Education” is a guide to support local authorities as they move towards a new hope for education. Its aim is to promote local dynamics, encourage individual and collective initiatives and help guide local action towards a new path for education. The proposed method is based on exchange and dialogue with local players, so that they can identify and propose actions to be taken that contribute to Education 2030 and the challenges of the Global Compact on Education.
What for?
This booklet is intended for anyone wishing to lead or support the emergence of a Global Compact on Education initiative in their area, thereby contributing to the objectives of Education 2030.
How do we do it?
It proposes a method that includes the main information needed to develop a local authority project that contributes to the Global Education Pact and Education 2030, as well as practical advice that can be adapted to suit the context, objectives and resources available.
What are the pre-requisites?
None, except the desire and willingness to take the plunge.
This booklet has been designed to be used by all players, whether they have a great deal, little or no knowledge of the Pact’s commitments and/or experience in leading participative initiatives.

Download the road book
(coming soon)
- Arguments to prepare for discussions with elected representatives
- Slide show to support the presentation to elected representatives
- List of local players likely to be interested
- Meeting kit
- Meeting facilitation techniques.