• secretary@oiecinternational.com
  • Roma, Italy

New publication “RELIGIONS AND EDUCATION: Towards a Compact on Education”

Dear friends We have prepared this booklet on the meeting that Pope Francis had with the leaders of religions, under the title: “RELIGIONS AND EDUCATION: TOWARDS A PACT FOR EDUCATION”. It is a tool for reflection and work with the various members of the educational communities of each educational centre, to discover together the importance of education today, what priorities…

OIEC webinar “Preventing school violence and crime in Africa”

Webinaire / Webinar Prévention des violences en milieu scolaire Prevention of violence in schools Prevención de la violencia en las escuelas Documents à télécharger / Documents to download /Documentos para descargar : Interventions de / Interventions by /Intervenciones de/ : Marie-Laure Joliveau, Chargée de programmes Afrique BICE – Bureau international catholique de l’enfance : PDF – PWP Ige Folayinka, School Crime…