• secretary@oiecinternational.com
  • Roma, Italy
New publication “RELIGIONS AND EDUCATION: Towards a Compact on Education”

New publication “RELIGIONS AND EDUCATION: Towards a Compact on Education”

Dear friends

We have prepared this booklet on the meeting that Pope Francis had with the leaders of religions, under the title: “RELIGIONS AND EDUCATION: TOWARDS A PACT FOR EDUCATION”.

It is a tool for reflection and work with the various members of the educational communities of each educational centre, to discover together the importance of education today, what priorities to set and to generate a greater awareness of the need and urgency to build, with the collaboration of all, a Local and Global Educational Pact, capable of transforming lives and contexts.

A pact that is forged through meetings, dialogue and active, humble listening, with the various educational, social and religious players. On this occasion, through interreligious dialogue, to be promoted also in your local environments.

We are enclosing it for you in 5 languages (Spanish, French, Italian, English and soon in Portuguese), in an online format so that you can easily share it and distribute it to the various members of your educational community (children, teenagers, young people, teachers, managers, families, staff):


If a country, region, religious institution or other entity would like to include its logo on the cover to personalise it, you can send us your logo and we will include it at the bottom of the brochure cover, in the middle of the existing ones. To do this, send your logo to: ja.ojeda@lasallecampus.es indicating in which languages it should be included.

Finally, we are sharing a few factsheets that explain the dynamic proposed in the Brochure to make it easier to apply.

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