GCE Report and CEGRI


Following the OIEC World Congress in July 2019, OIEC produced a series of publications that are part of its Global Catholic Education Research Initiative (CEGRI).

The goal of the initiative is to meet one of the core mandates of the OIEC, namely: “To promote research on the specific contribution of the Catholic school in the educational field and on the adaptation of the school to the needs, realities and aspirations of the environment in which it is located.”

This initiative also helps OIEC to represent Catholic education in international forums, especially those concerned with education.

If you would like to join the initiative, whether as a researcher or practitioner who could benefit from applied research on Catholic schools, please contact us at secretary@oiecinternational.com.
We look forward to your feedback!


The World Reports on Catholic Education can be purchased in paper format for EUR 15 each + postage from the OIEC office. For further information please contact: secretary@oiecinternational.com

World Report on Catholic Education 2023:
Transforming education and making education transformative

This report aims to transform education and make education transformative. The pandemic has exacerbated the learning crisis. Education transformation is necessary to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. But it is also necessary to transform education given the overlapping challenges in today’s world.

The Global Compact on Education called for by Pope Francis suggests a number of commitments that could help transform education. These commitments are discussed in this report using examples of actions already undertaken by Catholic educational institutions worldwide. Finally, the report also discusses the possibilities for transforming Catholic education.


World Report on Catholic Education 2022:
Ending violence in schools: an imperative for children’s learning and well-being

The theme of this report is to end violence in schools. The pandemic has led to a deterioration in many indicators of well-being, especially among children. Ending violence in school is an imperative for the well-being of children and to ensure that they can go to school and learn during their studies.

The Global Pact on Education, called by Pope Francis, suggests a number of commitments, the first of which is to place the human person at the centre of what Catholic educational institutions do. Ending violence at school is an important first step towards such an approach.


World Report on Catholic Education 2021: 
pluralism in education, learning poverty and the right to education

According to the 2021 World Report on Catholic Education, 62 million children are enrolled in Catholic schools (pre-school, primary and secondary) worldwide, and more than 6 million students are enrolled in Catholic higher education. Catholic schools are particularly present in low-income countries. In these countries, one in seven primary school students is in a Catholic school. However, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens the sustainability of some schools and universities, especially those without state support.

Every year, the World Report on Catholic Education analyses major trends affecting Catholic schools and universities. The report is produced by a team of volunteers. In the spirit of the collaborations encouraged by Pope Francis for a global pact on education, it is co-sponsored by the four organizations that represent Catholic education at the international level: OIEC for schools, FIUC for universities, OAMEC for alumni, and UMEC-WUCT for teachers.

The theme of the 2021 report is pluralism of education, learning poverty and the right to education

World Report on Catholic Education 2020:
Achievements and challenges in times of crisis

Catholic schools welcome 62.2 million students worldwide at the pre-school, primary and secondary levels. By managing the world’s largest network of non-governmental schools, the Catholic Church plays an important role in efforts to achieve SDG 4, especially in low-income countries. In June 2020, OIEC published its first global report on Catholic education. The report examines the global contributions of Catholic schools and the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis (the analysis of impacts and potential responses is based in part on a set of articles published in the Journal of Catholic Education).

The report also includes a detailed statistical annex on enrolment trends in Catholic schools in more than 100 countries with at least 10,000 students enrolled in schools.

Data for the 2020 World Report on Catholic Education – Country Profiles

Country profiles of trends in Catholic schools are available for all countries with over 10,000 enrolled students. The profiles are standardized and consist of a one-page pdf file. Feel free to download the profile of your choice by clicking on your country link below.

Consult the Country Profiles of Catholic Education Worldwide (1975-2020) : From pre-primary to secondary