With enthusiasm and commitment, OIEC has designed the project “I can” to meet the challenges that the Encyclical LAUDATO SI’ proposes for children and young people.
It is about creating change projects together and putting them into practice.
The didactic guide entitled “I can! Children and young people are facing the challenge of LAUDATO SI’: Safeguarding the Common House” shows you the steps to follow to create thousands of projects of change brought about by children and young people, whether in schools around the world, in catechism groups or in formal or informal youth meetings.
The guide is available in several languages:
FR – EN – ES – IT – POR – POL – ROU – AR
The guide applies the Design for change (DFC) methodology that facilitates the process of working together with a tool that guarantees children and youth the lead role and empowerment in an autonomous and critical way and allows us to share projects to inspire and influence others. The goal is to generate a global network of small changes that will transform society and the world, making it more humane and sustainable.

To learn more about the "Design for change" methodology:
- Videos of each of the 4 phases of CFL in several languages: Feel, Imagine, Act and Share: https://dfcworld.com/SITE/FIDS
Partners and supports
To ensure the success of this initiative the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC) works together with the Commission of Education of the Union of Superiors General (USG) and the International Union of Superiors General (UISG), the Scholas Occurrentes, the World Organization of Alumni of Catholic Education (OMAEC) and the international movement Design For Change. And other organizations and institutions are invited to integrate as and when necessary to provide for children and youth, to create with them.
Let’s communicate and share this project!
The OIEC has invited its members to spread this initiative by sending this DIDACTIC GUIDE to all educational organizations and forums, teachers, animators and directors. the various educational institutions on which they depend or which are close to them and to encourage them to participate. And to post it on their websites and distribute it by email, through their own or cooperative social networks…
Presentation of the project “I can” to Pope Francis
During the Pope’s audience on 6 October 2018, on the occasion of the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (on the theme: Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment), several children reported on their participation in the project “I can”:
a project on clean energy use by coffee producers in Colombia. And the young people of Valladolid/ Spain shared their experiences with the application of the Design for Change methodology, which had an impact on their personal, social and environmental contexts (interventions can be viewed in French from 1 h 32 min to 1 h 39 min 22 s).
World Summit for Children

On 27-30 November 2019 took place in Rome as part of the project “I can” the World Summit of Children. During these four days, more than 2,500 children/youth from over 40 countries showed the world that they want, know and can change the world, making it more humane, supportive and sustainable.
To learn more about the World Summit:
- World Summit video:
https://youtu.be/6eWA0ZPbGIk - Photos :https://btc.dfcworld.org/Celebrations/BTC2019
- Address by His Holiness Pope Francis to participants in the World Summit of Children: click here.