In September 2019, Pope Francis convened in Rome representatives from around the world to seal a common commitment to build a Global Educational Compact.
This proposal is in line with his magisterial teaching, which we find expressed with perseverance and consistency in the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, and in the encyclicals Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti.
Driven by this dynamic of the Holy Father, we offer you an invitation to the application of the concepts of fraternity, sharing, solidarity between brothers and sisters with the projects PLANET FRATERNITY & Little PLANET FRATERNITY
Read the Secretary General’s letter to the youth of Planet Fraternity
Planet Fraternity & Little Planet Fraternity,
What the hell is that?
Planet FRATERNITY & Little PLANET FRATERNITY are projects that allow OIEC students and educational teams to create bonds of fraternity by working together.
The primary objectives are:
Allow close collaboration between cultures,
Reaffirm the OIEC community in the world,
Encourage the creativity of our young people through the solution to real problems of which they themselves are aware and which give rise to critical thinking.
The experiments carried out since 2021 show the richness of these projects and the significant enthusiasm of young people and adults engaged in the process.
Would you like to know more about this project?
A project for 9 – 18 year olds (B1-B2 levels in English)
The Planet Fraternity project offers young people to develop with a partner institution of another country, through the vehicular language, English, and its learning, a direct and joint work based on Laudato Si’, Fratelli Tutti, and the 17 UN SDGs.
For this, Planet Fraternity provides online resources, created by education professionals to reflect together on saving the common home, while working on its English language learning.
In our project, we motivate students from different schools to create strong bonds that help them face the problems of the world from their point of view, thanks to the “I can – I can” methodology inspired by Kiran Bir Sethi’s project Design for change. In this way, they build a global chain of children and youth that transform lives and change the world.
Download the presentation booklet
of the PLANET FRATERNITY project
A project for 8 – 12 year olds (A1-A2 levels in English)
Participating in this new project Little Planet Fraternity is above all having the will to shake up the ways of thinking and acting of students to contribute to a better world. It is to constantly question how to bring fraternity into his school, into his class. It’s about thinking about how we can bring students to an openness to others, to the world so they can empathize with their peers, and all human beings.
Little Planet Fraternity offers a class to connect with two other classes in the world in order to work together on the notion of fraternity and meet challenges for a common goal of solidarity. Thanks to this pedagogy, the child will be able to develop his faculties of listening and dialogue, which he will use in a practical way in the encounter with others.
Download the presentation booklet
of the Little PLANET FRATERNITY project
Consult the Newsletters of the Planet Fraternity project