• secretary@oiecinternational.com
  • Roma, Italy

Benedict XVI, tribute of the OIEC to the Pope Emeritus

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, whose renunciation in 2013 took the whole world by surprise, died on Saturday 31 December 2022 at the age of 95 in the monastery of the Vatican Gardens where he had retired. In the homily given on the celebration of Vespers and the Te Deum on the same day, Pope Francis paid tribute to his predecessor….

CEEC – new Secretary General

The Secretary General of the CEEC (the regional secretariat of the OIEC for Europe), Guy Selderslagh, who took office in 2015 following Etienne Verack, retired on 30 June 2022. On behalf of the OIEC, we take this opportunity to thank him very warmly and friendly for all of his work within the CEEC. With him, working relations between the OIEC…

CIEC Congress

On May 27 and 28, 2022 took place in Mexico City the Congress of the CIEC (Confederación Interamericana de Educación Católica) which represents the OIEC region of the Americas.

NCEA Convention

The OIEC Secretary General represented the OIEC during the NCEA (National Catholic Education Association) Convention in New Orleans/ Louisiana (USA) on 17-19 April 2022.

OIEC Council meeting

The OIEC Council members met in Rome on April 6 and 7, 2022 for the 98th Council meeting. In this occasion they also participated in the general audience at the Vatican and met with Pope Francis in person, followed by a visit to the Congregation for Catholic Education.